Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hobo Easter

With a title like "Hobo With A Shotgun" what is not to love? Even though the movie was trying to shock the audience on disturbing levels, especially with the bus scene, and much of it reminded me of Troma films, the Hobo dude was awesome. Justice with a HEARING AID ON.

And the King reigns supreme in his fourth film, "King Creole". HEARING AID ON for the plot & singing. Sure the plot was similar to "Jailhouse Rock" with the bad boy image & rise to singing stardom, movie still good. Maybe I was mesmerized with Elvis' hair & good looks. Poor Nellie, how long is she gonna wait for a boy like that.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Big Bang Bang

Well, now all my Facebook movie/tv show posts are on this blog, I can perform updates in smaller doses.

"The Big Bang Theory" Season 5: although like Raj, I miss the old days when the four guys would do nerdy things; Howard would make some dirty comment, Raj would bust balls, Leonard would obsess over Penny & Sheldon would need consistency, the show reflects real life development. We all have our close knit friends that change with time, I know I have. Sure I still drink booze in large quantities, collect G.I. Joe and have my 1 true girl, but the days of partying and performing crazy antics is over: father of three, sole bread winner and barely keep in contact with my ol' neighborhood buds. It's nobody's fault, it is just the gradual progression of time. This show has shown that: more women have entered the mix, & the friends have drifted a little. But no one steals the show like Amy Blossom Russo. She is awesome & hands down the best of all the actors/actresses. Her comments are hilarious, and her character continues to expand and develop. HEARING AID ON with a tiara.

Friday, March 29, 2013

March Movies Thus Far

"Battle: Los Angeles": brought me back to my G.I. Joe playing days: good guys vs bad guys. It just had that fun feel to it. I say Retreat? HEARING AID ON!

"Brave": the flaming, disheveled hair was captured nicely, and those three little boys were hilarious during the turkey used as a bear scenes. Was not expecting the mother to turn. HEARING AID ON

"Beetlejuice": Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, ah what is not to love about having Bruce Wayne parade around in a jail striped outfit. Will forever be a HEARING AID ON, especially in the after life.

"Once Upon A Crime": although I found that Boku commercial guy extremely annoying, as always, I love John Candy, which would be absurd to crawl into a suitcase with a dead body. HEARING AID ON.

"The Bing Bang Theory" Season 2: Howard grew on me and his one liners were downright hilarious. Laughs still a-rolling. HEARING AID ON.

"ParaNorman": was such a bummer. Boo for that one. The animation blew donkey balls, so a HEARING AID OFF. Could tell the zombies were giving off the wrong message.

"Aliens in the Attic": got a HEARING AID ON, it threw me back to my years of watching corny kids' movies, but nothing will ever beat the time I spent with my neighborhood buddy watching classics like "My Pet Monster," "Garbage Pail Kids," "Batteries Not Included" and countless others. That blonde dude from the movie who was being controlled was ha-ah-larious; loved the scene when he was repeatedly slapped in the face and ran around with a straight face.

"Father Hood": what a hidden gem to have stumbled upon. Cute, family fun with corky comedy. HEARING AID ON.

"Baby Mama": what a bust. Second time seeing it and it seemed far worse than when I saw it the first time. Didn't like the blonde's facial expression. HEARING AID OFF.

"Love Me Tender": yeah that's right, Elvis' first movie. Sure the lip synching was way off, but the plot was amazing pretty good. HEARING AID ON for the King, even if he was over dramatically shot & died.

"I Love You, Man": still trying to figure out why I gave the movie a HEARING AID ON. Maybe it was the stupid comedy, or the late morning hours when I watched the movie, or was it b/c of the Hulk? I'll never know.

"Defendor": gets a HEARING AID ON simply b/c of the comic book scene, a rack is loaded with G.I. Joe comics: Grandpa asks boy if he can read the title, the boy reads "G ... I ..." & grandpa concludes with a "Joe! It's G.I. Joe. You dummy."

"Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole": a movie about owls = dumb, should have left it a book: HEARING AID OFF. 

"The Bad News Bears": (Original), drunken coach, hodgepodge athletes who most likely went to OLMC, what's not to love: HEARING AID ON. 

"Love Potion #9": fun, corky 90s romantic comedy: HEARING AID ON. 

"The Exterminator": hm, ever watch a movie & you want it to end so bad really soon, this one did that for me: HEARING AID OFF.

"Black Swan": wow, Natalie P. was amazing: HEARING AID ON.

"The Big Bang Theory" Season 3: still a funny, funny show. Raj ruled this season. HEARING AID ON.

Never watch "The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training" and "The Bad News Bears Go To Japan" both are simply bad, badder & baddest news: HEARING AID OFF!!!!!!

"Bad News Bears": with Billy Bob, whom I hate, was actually made for this role & was downright convincing. Loved the dude in the wheelchair, especially when he wore an eye patch. HEARING AID ON.

"Friends With Kids": had a unique aspect but rest of it was full of cliches. Didn't care for the actor & actress that played the lead roles. Did like that poop explosion part. HEARING AID OFF.

"The Social Network": got my HEARING AID ON. Believe it or not, at first it was very hard to read the close caption cause the main character talked so fast. I liked how the story was told & I simply love Justin Timberlake as an actor. What you gotta problem with that?

"Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian": had it all: entertainment, humor, action & a hot red head running around in nicely fit tight brown pants: HEARING AID ON. 

How bout this 80s family fun: "Harry and the Hendersons", damn is that so good, bigfoot is awesome & just want to hug & cuddle with the stinky guy: HEARING AID ON.

"Escape from Planet Earth": gets a HEARING AID OFF: another alien cartoon movie & the aliens were ugly, every last bit of them. 

"Jailhouse Rock" the King's third movie gets a HEARING AID ON b/c I liked Elvis' acting & singing. BTW, I could not locate elvis's 2nd movie b/c CPL, CCPL & LPL don't own it: all 3 libraries can suck donkey nuts (& no I'm not gonna purchase it).

"The Expendables": nothing needs to be said but a HEARING AID ON. 

"The Single Girls": well, may those that made this movie rot in a forever boring hell: HEARING AID OFF.

"Brute Corps": damn what a bore, please re-title the movie "Bore Corps", another 70s movie that dragged ass: HEARING AID OFF. 

"Needful Things": gets a HEARING AID ON for 3 reasons: based on Stephen King, good story and devil spent some time in Akron, OH.

HEARING AID ON for season 4 of "The Big Bang Theory"" still funny, but this season the girls shined: Penny, Amy & Bernadette. It took me awhile, but Amy is Blossom Russo, you know, the tv show Blossom & no relation. 

"The Nesting" a hidden 80s horrors flick, not bad at all. Not bad at all. HEARING AID ON.

"Speck": so boring I wish the DVD was a speck of dust & I never saw it: HEARING AID OFF

"The Last Exorcism": damn stupid ending, the camera crew should have left a long time ago, plus Sam & Dean Winchester would have taken care of business (unrelated to movie): HEARING AID OFF

"Zookeeper": shit that was funny, don't know why I waited so long to see it. The interaction between the animals and the main character was awesome and wholesome: HEARING AID ON.

"The Miracle Match" if you have paisanos from St. Louis, World Cup Soccer & beating England, well you will simply always have a HEARING AID ON.

"The Blind Side": received a HEARING AID ON, not only b/c I love football movies, but also for Bullock's sexy butt. 

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind": even though the little boy spoke jibberish and the aliens were rubbery looking, still fabulous entertainment. The most unique aspect of the movie was the communication through music. HEARING AID ON.

"Inspector Gadget": what a big bummer, the cartoon was awesome, but this was plain poop: HEARING AIDD OFF. 

"Mr. Deeds Goes To Town": was not bad at all, it was a pip: HEARING AID ON.

"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas": is a grand portrayal of karma, sad yes, but karma nonetheless: HEARING AID ON. Makes one step back and look into our lives and admire sadly at how much misinformation is upon us all.

"Life As We Know It": allowed me to connect on so many levels, especially on the bad parenting part, so many moments do I look back and shake my head at the shitty things I done & wonder how/why my boys love me so much (at least I think they do): HEARING AID ON. 

"Hall Pass" grew on me, I hate Owen's voice & noise, but luckily I didn't have to hear him cause it was watched on close captioned. How 'bout that scene when the girl sneezes and has butt spray. Gross & funny: HEARING AID ON. 

Ever hear of or see "Eden Log"? Well don't. Due to British accents & my great hearing abilities, I have no idea what anyone said (close captions not available) in the movie, so the plot remains a grand mystery (don't want to look up plot summary to spoil my innerfun of cluelessness). HEARING AID OFF.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

February Movies

"Big Bang Theory": Season 1 done in 2 days. Man, that show is frigging funny. I give it a HEARING AID ON. Love the Indian dude. I feel the connections: comics, toys & being shy around girls. 

"Haunted Honeymoon": and it was not as good as I remember, so it gets a HEARING AID OFF. Wilder's best part was when he was using the butler's legs as his own. Not a fan of the ending.

"Machine Gun Preacher": now that is a definite HEARING AID ON. Sam, I don't care how you would bring home my child, as long as the child returns. Amazing as to what one man can accomplish, perform & make an impact. Making an impact on others & society is all about civil society, even in uncivil parts.

"Moneyball": and to my surprise it was pretty damn good. I absolutely hate baseball, that is watching the sport & playing, probably b/c I could do everything on the field but hit the damn ball. Why didn't someone tell me to lead with the hip & not muscle the bat, just like throwing the discus: "It's all in the hip. It's all in the hip." I loved the GM POV. It gets a HEARING AID ON.

"Eat Pray Love": gets a HEARING AID ON. Hey, I've always been a romantic even though my appearance is very cavemanian. The irony is that I had to watch the movie in close captions, which I despise. Either my sinus cold is affecting my hearing, my aid is malfunctioning, my hearing is decreasing or all the above. Huh? Wha? Hm? Sheep-dip!

"Hunger Games": boo, or should I say HEARING AID OFF b/c it was a combination of Stephen King's The Long Walk & The Running Man. Obviously the book is for young adults, so was the movie. Wonder if I would have liked as a teen, probably. 

"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close": was touching and a great story, so yes, a HEARING AID ON. Deeply sad, especially being a father, I wonder what my wife & boys would feel if I were gone, I don't want to dwell on it.

"Dutch": O'Neil was pretty good, I'm wondering if he made more movies like that. Well, IMDB has a lot of movies listed for him. Although a typical story, good comedy: HEARING AID ON.

"Hesher": got a HEARING AID ON b/c it was crude & rude humor. Gordon-Levitt was a crazy disturbed bastard & I liked his acting as Hesher, loved his story about his missing testicle.

"Cheaper by the Dozen": with Steven Martin was great comedy HEARING AID ON. All I need is 9 more boys, oh & I finally would qualify for gov. assistance. It was just fun & insane & I could relate to some of the incidences. 

"The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again": didn't fare so well in my humor mood. It should have been titled The Dumbly Bumbly Gang Shouldn't Ever Ride: HEARING AID OFF. I loved watching Disney movies back in the day, but the humor seemed too forced.

"The Dictator": provide funny stupid & idiotic humor while I was rocking my 3rd son to sleep @ like 3 & 5 am respectively. Everything about it was asinine, but did like how the Dictator wanted to shoot everyone. HEARING AID ON.

"Prometheus." what an awesome prequel to movies already in existence (you know what I mean movie fans). Great story & visuals. The aliens are part human, giant & biological warfare. Nice! HEARING AID ON.

"Descendents": if your a zombie movie lover, don't waste your time with this bore. HEARING AID OFF! Even though it had a new creative addition to the zombie lore/mythos, there was too much recycled footage to tell a very short story and the ending was a cliched one. Give me back my time.

"Cedar Rapids": gets a HEARING AID OFF for not being my type of humor. Some funny moments, just wasn't up my alley. Maybe b/c it had too much dialogue of which I'm sure I missed.

 "Snow White & the Huntsman" gets a HEARING AID OFF for being like every other Medieval movie. Obviously, tried to focus on visuals rather than originality, yet, how much can Snow White be recreated to become something other than the fairy tale meant to be.

"Valley of the Dolls": although with a title like that, I was expecting more nudity, I still give it a HEARING AID ON.

"The Mothman Prophecies": gets a HEARING AID ON b/c the unknown is always out there. I swear back in the day on an eclipse of the moon, my buddy & I saw a flying creature that resembled a stingray with a pointed devil tale hovering between 2 houses disappearing into the west side Cleveland, OH night sky.

"Valley Girl": a goofy romance with a weirdly shaved chested Nicholas Cage. HEARING AID ON.

 "The Wolfman" (A. Hopkins version). Man oh man, the werewolves were brutal. HEARING AID ON.

"Black Mama, White Mama": started of with a HARD ..., I mean HEARING AID ON with the women's prison scenes, but once the 2 heroines escaped, the viewer enters a land of 1970s DeAndre Cole's "What's up with that?" In the end, it received a HEARING AID OFF.

 "The Son of No One": should be retitled to "Son of a Bitch! No One Should Watch This Movie!" Boring cop movie. HEARING AID OFF!

"The Bucket List": HEARING AID ON. What a great duo: Freeman & Nicholson. Humor & sadness all in one, the essence of life. Have you found your joy? I found the thing that gives me joy, no silly person, not my wife, but me! I love to humor myself.

The Avenging Eagle" (Chinese title is leng xue shi san ying): Any fans of kung fu, well if you want modern & cheesy, check it out. HEARING AID ON. If I had a kung fu weapon, it would be 2 hearing aids (left & right) connected by a razor sharp wire, of which I can yank outta my ears and unleash monstrous fury. my name would be Lui Ru. 

"War Horse": more like Bore Horse. Stupid horse movies. HEARING AID OFF.

"Taxi Driver": is supposed to be a classic, but I don't know, it didn't do the trick for my taste buds. Things felt choppy, but De Niro sure looked the role: demonic & creepy all at once. HEARING AID OFF.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

January Movies Watched

"Trading Places":  an 80s comedy, of which no one can beat that decade of movie making. Classic Eddie Murphy with big smile & loud laugh. Oh let's not forget skinny Dan, looking all rich & preppy: HEARING AID ON. 
"Stir Crazy": the best part was when Wilder & Pryor walk into the jail cell real bad, and that scene alone gets the movie a HEARING AID ON.
"Silver Streak": very slow moving, unexpected story twists & not too shabby all around, especially when Wilder keeps exiting the train and says "Son of a bitch!" each time. HEARING AID ON.
"Ted": thought it was pretty great comedy. Loved the scene when they were fighting in the motel, reminded me of Chucky from "Child's Play". Great movie to suspend's one's disbelief. I almost cried ask Ted was being shredded. I give it a HEARING AID ON.
"Diner": and dammit, nearly all of it was inaudible. Too much dialog for my hearing aid. I expected something greater with a cast like that. I give it a HEARING AID OFF.
"European Vacation": classic Chevy Chase & I give it a HEARING AID ON.
 "Ninja: American Warrior": wow was the plot bizarre w/ disco kung fu, white man in white ninja outfit disappearing and reappearing out of no where, and useless dialog. Even with the topless karate fight, I give it a HEARING AID OFF.
"Blazing Saddles": a HEARING AID ON. Lots of racist comedy for the whole family. Funniest part is the farting scene: too funny. Love it when Wilder would prove he was the fasted gun slinger, too much, too funny, too fast.
"Lake House": beautiful love story, a definite HEARING AID ON. It strengthens my view that love is timeless, which it is. Lovely tears flowed.
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days": It just was not as good as the first 2, but I still love the dad and Rodrick reminds me of my older brother frank (a complete jerk for no reason). Or maybe it wasn't good b/c I was too busy looking at my wife in pain with contractions. HEARING AID OFF.
"Clue" I gave it a HEARING AID ON. Classic funny fun fun. Loved the multiple endings, how the cop was stumbly bumbly, and Tim Curry took command.

How it began.

I have began shortened versions of my movie reviews watched for the year 2013 in Facebook in January. So, I will post my old Facebook posts, with extended comments along with current movie reviews, since blogging is more than a few catch phrases. My ruling is simple: HEARING AID ON for movies I like & HEARING AID OFF for movies I don't like. Keep in mind, these are movies/television series I have watched in 2013 only. Enjoy, or not.